Doug Betts, CFE, CPA, Inc.

Certified Fraud Examiner

Certified Public Accountant

Fraud Services

                 Fraud--It's a word nobody wants associated with their business.



     The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that fraud

     losses in U.S. businesses represent 6% of annual revenues.

     Applying this to the 2003 annual gross domestic product translates

     to $660 billion per year in fraud losses to U.S. businesses.




Fraud effects every organization, large and small. To a large businesses, it is expensive.

To a small business, it can be devastating. In fact, that average small businesses loss is actually

greater than the average loss to all but the very largest businesses because small businesses

typically have poorer internal controls.


In the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners most recent report on fraud, asset theft

was the most prevalent occupational fraud committed, exceeding 90% of all reported frauds.

Not surprisingly, cash was the asset most often misappropriated, through a variety of means.

Fraudulent disbursements though various methods accounted for almost three-fourths of all cash

theft schemes.        


When fraud strikes, you need to be able to navigate through a maze of issues and steps, without

jeopardizing the case or making the situation worse. Doug Betts, CFE, CPA, Inc. specializes  in

the following services:



Contact us today to discuss fraud investigation and prevention services.


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